You’re tired of having a different nutrition trend every year.
You don’t want to explain to your grandmother what it means to be vegan and that you can’t eat her delicious meal. And if you like meat, you don’t want to hear that it’s wrong.
Even if you don’t enjoy cooking, you don’t want calorie charts to cook for you.
You don’t want to be afraid to eat. So you don’t accidentally gain weight.
You want to feel good in your body. You want to eat out with your friends or grab lunch at your favorite diner sometime.
You want to know what to do when you eat too much because of sadness and if you ever cheat on your food.
You want to live, but you suspect that eating a cheat meal every day is not the way to a healthy body. But neither is restricting yourself all the time.
Whether you want to gain muscle and lose fat or vice versa, you want it to work for you.
How does it work:
Let’s make a nutrition plan
However, it will not be full of strictly given recipes, but you will have instructions on how to create your own, functional model according to the given situations and needs.
We will talk about how you eat
Poor eating habits can not only delay your goal, but also harm it in the long run.
Your neurotype will greatly influence which eating strategy you will be successful with and which you will not.
We will talk about your sleep and lifestyle
Sleep and lifestyle have a great influence on the quality of digestion and on the psyche in general.
83 EUR for 1 consultation (length of consultation is 60 minutes, for each additional 15 minutes + 13 EUR)